black poop


Entry kali ni agak sensitif sebenarnya tapi suatu perkongsian ilmu yang sangat berguna. Jarang orang menyentuh isu2 najis but today Im gonna share about my recent syndrom yang mengeluarkan najis hitam semasa membuang.

Sindrom ni berlaku 3 hari lepas when I got stomach ache and I knew I had to go. But when I got to the hostel's bathroom, I sat down on the toilet and nothing happened. I waited a couple of minutes and . . . still nothing. I tried pushing but it kinda hurt. after a while alittle poop came out, but it was small, hard and extremely black in colour, sort of like tar. I was suprisingly shocked as it never happened to me before.

i've googled some info and there's few reasons why this happen. Sama ada disebabkan oleh kandungan toksin dalam badan, pengambilan ubatan jenis iron or ferrum and paling menakutkan najis hitam is part of colon or stomach cancer syndrom dan boleh juga disebabkan oleh pendarahan dalaman yang dah lama. sangat menakutkan >,<

2 tahun lepas aku dah menjalani endoscopic examination (colonoscopy) through anus and my stomach didapati suffered from IBS (irritable bowl syndrome) which mean ade iritasi pada dinding usus. lepas dah baca macam2 info kat internet tadi, otak da mula 'membijak' buat andaian sendiri related dengan experience lepas2 HUHU. Pape pun, now bukan masa untuk fikir bukan2 but take action refer doctor. InsyaAllah dis Monday Im going to an appointment at HUKM for ultrasonic test. Do pray for me readers!


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